

Thor Outboard 2.4HP 1938

Thor Outboardの2.4HPをついに落札。
このエンジンは、マーキュリーの創始者であるCarl Kiekhaeferが、まだ、マーキュリーのブランドを立ち上げる前に買取った会社のエンジンです。
Mr. Thorwald Hansenは、1935年2.4hp1シリンダーを販売開始、1936年に2.4hp1シリンダーと4.8hp2シリンダー、1938年に2.4hp1シリンダー、4.8hp2シリンダー、6hp3シリンダーを販売したのです。
1938年に若き技術者であるCarl Kiekhaeferが現金で買取って、工場に残っているエンジンを修理して販売したのです。
もともと、Carl Kiekhaeferは、船外機を製造して販売するつもりは全く無かったんです。
Mr. Thorwald Hansenから、どうしても現金が欲しくて買取って欲しいと頼まれたそうです。
1939年には、Thor OutboardのブランドによりKiekhaeferモデルが販売されました。これがたくさん注文が来ました。これにより、Kiekhaefer氏は、独自のマーキュリーのブランド立ち上げるのです。
Thor Outboardは、この年に歴史が終わります。
1940年には、Kiekhaeferがマーキュリーのブランドを立ち上げ、K1、K2、K3と製造販売をしました。また、SEA KINGのブランドとして通販会社であるMontgomery Wardsから販売、大量に注文が来ました。簡単に言うとOEMですね。
Thor Outboard Motors
The Thor Outboard Motor was the creation of Mr. Thorwald Hansen. Prior to developing his outboard motor, Mr. Hansen was vice President of manufacturing for A.O. Smith Corporation, a company that manufactured automobile frames.
In 1934 he founded Cedarburg Manufacturing Company located in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. The Thor outboard was unique, in that it was mostly made from stampings. The crankcase down to the lower unit, were all made from stampings. Most halves were nut and bolted together, although some were welded.

The use of these 1/8 inch steel stampings in stress areas actually made the outboard very strong. The use of mild Steel for ease of production, caused early corrosion in fresh water and obviously accelerated in salt water. It is believed that, these early signs of rusting caused concern with potential customers.

In 1938 Thor produced the first inline 3 cylinder outboard, called the “Thor Pyramid Three”. The Thor outboard had some other issues, over and above the corrosion problems. These could all have been over come, but as with so many small companies financial difficulties caused Mr. Hansen to sell the company in 1939.

The Cedarburg Manufacturing Company was sold to Carl Kiekhaefer for 25,000. Mr. Kiekhaefer was a young engineer and had intended to use the facilities for manufacturing electrical devices.

Upon take over of the factory, Mr. Kiekhaefer found several hundred Thor outboards that had been returned from Montgomery Wards as being defective. Needing cash, he rebuilt and improved these outboards and convinced Montgomery Wards to try them again.

Montgomery Wards was so impressed with improvements, they placed another large order with Mr. Kiekhaefer. Like they say, life turns on a dime. It was this order from Montgomery Wards that caused Mr. Kiekhaefer to enter the outboard motor field.

In 1939 Kiekhaefer manufactured a single, alternate twin and the inline 3 cylinder with the Thor brand name. Using material and tooling that was still in place. He renamed the factory the Kiekhaefer Corporation.

In 1940 Mr. Kiekhaefer had totally redesigned the Thor outboard. He took the name of the Roman Messenger of the Gods and named his new outboard Mercury . He continued to manufacture outboards for Montgomery Wards under the “Sea King” brand and also under the brand name Mercury.

The production of the Thor outboard motor and history ends in 1939. This story picks up with production history of Mercury.

Hard core parts for these outboards are getting more difficult to find as time goes on. Many older outboards used common Ignition and Carburetor venders for that period. Discount Marine Parts has Ignition and Carburetor repair kits for most all of these older outboards. If we don’t have what your looking for, we have many sources to locate your part. Obviously some parts are just not available. We can sometimes find it used and often we have the part made if there is enough demand. Discount Marine Parts has a large inventory of parts for most brands of American made Outboards, Inboards and Sterndrives. We also have most parts and service manuals available.

Thank you for stopping by and please come back!

自動車フレームを製造する会社であるスミスコーポレーション。 1934年にウィスコンシン州シーダーバーグにあるシーダーバーグ製造会社を設立しました。


工場を引き継ぐと、Kiekhaefer氏は、Montgomery Wardsから返送された数百枚のトール船外機に欠陥があることを発見しました。


彼は工場の名前をKiekhaefer Corporationに変更しました。
彼は引き続き「Sea King」というブランド名とMercuryというブランド名でモンゴメリーワードの船外機を製造しました。


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